Offline Marketing Examples

Your offline and tangible advertising and community involvement can’t be omitted from your overall marketing plan. Offline marketing was all there was a generation ago, and yet, companies still created new relationships with clients, expanded their market share and promoted new products. Strategic, coordinated marketing is an essential portion of what your company needs to succeed.


Static or Print Media

Once the end-all be-all in advertising, use of media is what kept major name brand companies the big dogs. Smaller companies couldn’t afford ad time. Now there is enough variety, enough specification in in TV channels and print magazines that smaller companies can play too. Media companies are hurting for content as they decrease their staff, so submitted articles are injected into newspapers and magazines, you can trade for radio time - there ARE options out there - even for the little guy.


Community Involvement

Community involvement is an incredibly important piece of your company’s marketing. Larger companies pay their employees to work for nonprofits for the day, you can get involved with a local networking group or donate to a local charity. Show up for a silent auction or buy out the stands at the local baseball field and give away tickets. Make some noise in your local community.


Outdoor Marketing

We absorb far more advertising when we’re running across town than we realize. Billboards along side the road are so common we don’t see them unless we’re actively looking to fill a need. There are cars wrapped up in logos and slogans, and yard signs on every corner. You don’t see it - but your psyche does. Outdoor marketing can be a splash or a long term investment - but it has to be considered.

There’s a reason politicians give away bumper stickers like candy.


Shows & Conventions

Conventions are a great way to capture the attention of a ton of appropriate clientele - all at once. With a clear message and the right team a convention can push your company to the forefront of your industry.

Having the right marketing materials, location and a good hook will take you from pacing an empty booth to coming out like a rockstar.


Repeat & Referral Clients

If it’s 5+ times more expensive to generate a new customer than it is to keep a prior one - how is bringing people back NOT the most important piece of your marketing plan? Customer appreciation must be a factor (and a financial commitment) to keeping your marketing moving forward.